

  1. 迎冬奥做贡献英语作文
  2. 2008年第29届奥运会在北京举行英文作文?
  3. 英语作文《TheOlympicsGamesinBeijing》?


Beijing and the northern Chinese city of Zhangjiakou are bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics.

The Chinese Olympic Committee sent a formal nomination letter to the International Olympic Committee last Sunday and the bid is supported by the Chinese ***,China's official news agency Xinhua reported this week.

"The bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics will further improve the development of the Chinese Olympic cause,display the comprehensive power of China and push forward the coordinated development of the economies of the two cities," the committee said in a statement.



A Successful Olympics

As is known to us,the 29th Olympics was held in Beijing,China in 2008.It was a great success.

In August ,2008,althletes from more than 200 countries throughout the world gathered in Bejing.They competed against each other and displayed their friendship.They did a good job.Many world records were broken.


China,the host of the Olympics,performed very well.Its players won 100 medals and made a deep impression on the world.

The 29th Olympics was really a great success.


“china held the 29th olympic games in beijing”翻译成中文就是中国在北京举办了第29届奥运会”。held是hold的过去式,代表过去发生的事情。29th 序数词,表示第29次,在这里表示29届的意思。olympic games 奥运; 奥林匹克运动会; 奥运会; 奥林匹克运动。hold:vt. 认为, 相信;包含; 容纳vt. & vi. 保持;举行;使(注意力或兴趣)持续不减;吸引住;使保持同样程度(或比率、速度等);保存;拥有;担任;召开;持有(信念、意见);(船或飞机)保持航线;按住(受伤的身体部位等);支撑…的重量;监禁;守卫;保持不变;获得;(尤指机动车高速时)平稳行驶;继续唱(某音符);不挂断;停下vi. 有效, 适用n. 握住, 抓住; 控制, 掌握;用以握住的东西;供手攀(或脚踏)的东西;(物体供抓握的)把,柄;支撑点,支撑物,固定物;持,握,抓,抱,(尤指摔跤、拳击中的)擒拿法; 影响,左右力,控制;货舱;盛放东西的器具,容器;保留,预约;中断,暂停;保留(某物的)通知;暂停(或中断)的通知;(人、动物等的)栖身处;藏匿处,躲避处;耽误,拖延;悬而未决hold的用法1:take hold of,指“抓住”。hold的用法2:hold表示“认为”时,多个句子可表示相同意思。hold的用法3:hold *** by sth,指“抓住某人的什么东西”。 hold的用法4:hold on to,指“紧紧抓住”。hold的用法5:举行比赛时,动词不可用hold。


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